Impact Media Logo

Welcome to Impact Media.

At Impact Media, it's all about you ... and what online solutions and services you need.
How do we know what's needed? We sit down and discuss what it is you want to achieve - today ... and in the future. We analyse your business needs and suggest a solution, which, depending on your needs, may range from total all inclusive packages, to additional services that enhance your existing on-line presence.
So if it's adding on-line shopping to your existing site, or developing a completely new solution with customised database and content management functionality, then we're your people.

Learn about what we do

Here's all the stuff we do.

Anything to do with websites, mobile, desktop, tablet - you name it.


Everything is going mobile, and so are we. It's ultra-important. We understand that your customers need to find you, wherever they are.


eMail, txt, twitter, instagram - it's all social, so lets get social.


It's not all about mobile, or social - what's it's actually about is selling - securely, quicky. Money in, money to spend.

Here's some stuff we've made.

If there's nothing here you like, that's fine! Have a look elsewhere and tell us what you do like.
It's your website, your design


Smart Savvy remuneration.

Have us make a website, just for you.

Flick us a message to ask us any questions about a new website, or upgrade - just for you!

77 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland 1052
PO Box 137-240, Parnell, Auckland 1151
Phone: +64-9-524-9596